Happy Veterans Day/“Bull”

November 11, 2017 SATURDAY! “VETERANS DAY” PARTNER MET CON: 2RFT (40:00)! HERO WOD: “Bull”… revised! RX: 2RFT! 200 (100/100) Double Under’s 50 (25/25) OH Squats #135/95 50 (25/25) Pull Ups 1 Mile Run (together) SCALE DOWN: 2RFT!...

Intervals A,B,C

November 10, 2017 FRIDAY MET CON: 30:00 Clock! Perform “A” every 2:00 for 6:00 (3R), then REST 2:00, then “B” every 2:00 for 6:00 (3R), then REST 2:00, then Repeat A & B! NOTE: C/RX athletes must complete the work as prescribed. Goal: Sub...

Snatches and Burpees

November 9, 2017 THURSDAY! SWOD: 35:00 (For Time) Goal: Sub 20:00 Courtesy of CrossFit.com! STRATEGY: Singles for the Squat Snatches (Sub 2:30 per set of 10)… not resting more than 7-9 seconds per rep and a consistent pace for each set of 20 Burpees (Sub 2:00...

S2O/Rope Climbs/and Row

MET CON: 26:00 Clock! “All Out” Engine Work! Take up to 3:00 to complete “A”. Rest 2:00, then perform “B” (same time cap), Rest 2:00, then perform “C” (same time cap), Rest 2:00, then repeat all 3 for a total of 2R each!...

Strict Press and 5 sets x 3 Min

November 7, 2017 TUESDAY! STRENGTH: (12:00) 5×5 Strict Press Perform progressively loading sets of 5-5-5-5-5 Strict Press (UB) for the time allotted. Note: Your 5×5 does not include your warm up sets. NO rebounding. Form is Key! *Do not let empty BB’s...

FS from the Ground and Bar Muscle ups

November 6, 2017 MOTIVATING MONDAY! STRENGTH: 15:00) 5×5 Front Squat (from the ground) Perform progressively loading sets of 5-5-5-5-5 Front Squats (UB) from the ground for the time allotted. Note: The Clean = 1 Rep! Also, your 5×5 does not include include...