November 10, 2017


MET CON: 30:00 Clock!

Perform “A” every 2:00 for 6:00 (3R), then REST 2:00, then “B”
every 2:00 for 6:00 (3R), then

REST 2:00, then Repeat A & B!

NOTE: C/RX athletes must complete the work as prescribed. Goal: Sub 1:30 per round!

A) 2:00 x 3 (6:00)
12 Hang Power Cleans #135/95
15/12 Calorie Bike

REST 2:00!

B) 2:00 x 3 (6:00)
12 Box Jump Over’s “24/20
12 Toes to Bar

REST 2:00, then Repeat!

A) 2:00 x 3 (6:00)
12 Box Jump Over’s “24/20
10 Toes to Bar

REST 2:00!

B) 2:00 x 3 (6:00)
12 Hang Power Cleans #115/75
13/10 Calorie Bike

REST 2:00, then Repeat!

A) 2:00 x 3 (6:00)
12 Hang Power Cleans #95/65

13/10 Calorie Row

REST 2:00!

B) 2:00 x 3 (6:00)
12 Box Jump Over’s “24/20
(12 Alt. Step Up & Over’s)

8 Toes to Bar (8 TTB-A or TTR-A, 12 Hanging Knee Raises or 15 BF Sit Ups (MOD: ABMAT)

REST 2:00, then Repeat!