Strength: (15:00) Front Squats
Warm up to 70% of your 1RM FS, then…
4 sets x 2 reps
@ 70%
4 sets x 3 reps
@ 70%
Strength Alternative:
12:00 AMRAP!
12 BB FS #85/55
or 15 DB FS #25/15
50 Mountain Climbers
30 Bicycle Kicks
100 M Run
Met Con: 12:00 AMRAP!
Men: 25 Cal: Row (5/6)
Women: 20 Cal: Row (5/6)
5 FULL Snatches #135/95
15 Wall Ball Shots: #20/14
12 Power Snatches #115/75
15 Wall Ball Shots: #20/14
Men: 25 Cal: Air Dyne Bike
Women: 20 Cal: Air Dyne Bike
10 Power Snatches #95/65 (10 Hang Power Snatches or 20 Alt. DB Snatches #35/25)
15 Wall Ball Shots: #14/12
Men: 25 Cal: Row (5/6)
Women: 20 Cal: Row (5/6)