December 8, 2016
MET CON: For Time (35:00)!
Goal: Sub 25:00 for E and Sub 30:00 for RX and Scaled. Strategize accordingly but mind the clock… resting no more than 10 sec or less at a time. Try and complete each round in sub 8:00. Practice being fast :muscle::skin-tone-2:!
E: 3RFT!
6 Traditional Rope Climbs (b2b)
Barbell Complex: 12 Sets!
1 Power Clean +
1 Hang Power Clean #205/125 (UB)
16 reps (8 each) HSPU:
Men: (deficit) “paralette” HSPU
(AB MAT Only).
Women: D-HSPU (#45+#25 BP x 2 w/AB Mat)… No paralette stands.
Relay Style: 400 M (200 M each) “MB” Run #50/30
Barbell Complex: 12 Sets!
1 Power Clean +
1 Hang Power Clean #165/115 (UB)
4 Rope Climbs (b2b)
Relay Style: 400 M (200 M each) “MB” Run #40/20
Relay Style: 400 M (200 M each) “MB” Run #30/15
Barbell Complex: 10 Sets!
1 Power Clean +
1 Hang Power Clean #115/75 (#95/65) (UB)
BBC MOD: 20 Power (or Hang Power Cleans) Only #135/95 (#115/75 or #95/65)
20 HSPU (12 assisted HSPU, 6 C2W Wall Walks (or 6 partial W.W. with a 3 sec hold) or 16 C2G Walk Outs.
2 Traditional Rope Climbs, 2 assisted Rope Climb or 30 SDL KB High Pulls #44/25)