
April 27, 2016


MET CON: 35:00 Clock!

“Partner WOD”… The Last Hoorah!

BUY IN: 800 M Relay Run
(400 M per athlete)

E: 5RFT!
10 Ring Muscle Ups

20 Burpee / Box Jump Overs “30/24

30 Goblet Squats #70/53

200 M KB Carry Run (same KB)
(100 M per athlete)

16 Burpee / Box Jump Overs “24/20

12 C2R Pull Ups/Ring Pull Ups

24 Goblet Squats #53/35

200 M KB Carry Run
(same KB)

16 Burpee / Box Jump Overs
(Burpee / Alt. Step Up & Overs) “24/20

24 Goblet Squats #44/25

12 TTR (TTR-A, Hanging Knee Raises or Double Knee Hugs)

200 M KB Carry Run (same KB)

Rules: Reps must be shared evenly. You cannot work while your partner is working. The tag out method is required. Please share equipment if possible. Single person WOD’ers will do 1/2 the work. Have fun because after all… it’s the last workout you’ll ever do here 🙁