


Met Con: For Time (35:00)

*Goal: Sub 30:00!

“The Course”

2000 M Row (4)

30 Dubs

1 Legless Rope Climb

6 x 50 M “MB” Sprint + Ball Slam (#50/30). Perform 12 Ball Slams after each Sprint for a total of 72 reps). Note: The Ball Slams are to be done at the starting point each round.

30 Dubs

1 Legless Rope Climb

Men: 30 reps:
(#45×2 BP’s) D-HSPU
Women: 30 reps:
(#45+25 BP’s) D-HSPU

30 Dubs

1 Legless Rope Climb

30 Alt. Dead Clean & Press #70/53 KB

30 Dubs

1 Legless Rope Climb

30 Dubs

1 Rope Climb

6 x 50 M “MB” Sprint + Ball Slam (#40/20). Perform 10 Ball Slams after each Sprint for a total of 60 reps). Note: The Ball Slams are to be done at the starting point each round.

2000 M Row (4)


30 Dubs

1 Rope Climb

30 Dubs

1 Rope Climb

30 Alt. Dead Clean & Press #53/35 KB

30 Dubs

1 Rope Climb

30 Dubs (90 Singles)

1 Rope Climb (1 assisted Rope Climb or 8 C2G Walk Outs)

6 x 50 M “MB” Sprint + Ball Slam (#30/15). Perform 10 Ball Slams after each Sprint for a total of 60 reps). Note: The Ball Slams are to be done at the starting point each round.

20 HSPU (20 assisted HSPU or 30 DB HPC + PP #35/25)

30 Dubs

1 Rope Climb (1 assisted Rope Climb or 8 C2G Walk Outs)

30 Alt. Dead Clean & Press #44/25 KB

30 Dubs (90 Singles)

1 Rope Climb (1 assisted Rope Climb or 8 C2G Walk Outs)

2000 M Row (4)
(Row can be done at this point or at anytime during the workout).

30 Dubs (90 Singles)

1 Rope Climb (1 assisted Rope Climb or 8 C2G Walk Outs)