October 20, 2016
MET CON: 28:00 Clock!
Breast Cancer Awareness WOD… “SURVIVOR”
A) 10:00 EMOM!
1 Rep AHAP Thruster!
Note: If you hit your MAX early, drop down to a slightly lighter weight and finish out the workout. MAX fails: 2 per minute. Form is key!
Suggested Starting Weight:
(count back 8-12 reps from your goal weight to decide what your starting weight should be)
E: #115/75
RX: #95/65
SCALED: #75/45
MOD: 1 Rep Semi Heavy Front Squat + S2O (or Power or Hang Power Clean + S2O)
REST 3:00!
B) 15:00 AMRAP!
GOAL: 4R-5R+
E/RX PENALTY: Run the parking lot (1x per movement) if you drop during the C&J or TTB. 2 penalty’s MAX per round. S athletes should try and follow the same standard.
9 Clean & Jerks #115/75 (UB)
9 TTB (UB)
9 Box Hurdle Jump Overs “24/20
6 TTB (UB)
9 Clean & Jerks #95/65 (UB)
9 Box Jump Overs “24/20
9 Box Jump Overs (12 Alt. Step Ups Only) “24/20
9 Clean & Jerks #75/45
(9 Hang Power Clean + S2O or 6 Sets: 1 DB HPC + 2 DB S2O #35/25
6 TTB (TTR, 9 Hanging Knee Raises or 9 Double Knee Hugs)