August 5, 2016
A) (5:00 Clock): 800 M Run for time (to be noted on the whiteboard). MOD: 400 M Run for time.
REST 1:00!
B) (25:00 Clock) Super Set WOD! Take up to 1:00 to complete each set followed by a 1:00 rest. Rest 2:00 between each workout!
1) 4R: (7:00 Clock)
1:00 Time Cap Per Round: Pull Ups immediately followed by ME KB High Pulls (w/strike). Total # of KB High Pulls = Your Score!
E: 10/8 Strict Pull Ups / #70/53
RX: 12/10 Kipping Pull Ups / #53/35
SCALED: 10 Strict Banded (12 Ring Rows) / #44/25
REST 2:00
2) 4R: (7:00 Clock)
1:00 Time Cap Per Round: Hang Squat Cleans (BB Hang Power Cleans or DB HPC #35/25) immediately followed by MAX Calories on the Air Dyne Bike. Total # of Calories = Your Score!
E: 12 #105/75
RX: 10 #95/65
SCALED: 8 #75/45 (MOD: 10)
Rest 2:00
3) 4R: (7:00 Clock)
1:00 Time Cap Per Round: 12 OH Swings immediately followed by ME Dubs (Dub-A or Singles). Total # of Dubs = Your Score!
E: #70/53
RX: #53/35
SCALED: #44/25