

Strength: (15:00)
3 Rep AHAP Sumo Deadlift!

Take 10:00 to work up to a 3 Rep AHAP Sumo Deadlift. Then, based on your 3 Rep AHAP perform the following…

90%x5 reps
85%x5 reps

CF Light:
15 Cal: Air Dyne Bike
15 Ring Rows
50 Jumping Jacks
50 Russian Twist #25/15 KB

Met Con: 1
5:00 AMRAP!

*Goal: 4R+!

1 Legless Rope Climb
1 Rope Climb

15 SDL High Pulls #70/53 KB

100 M MB Run #50/30

*E Rope Climbs are to be done “b2b”!

15 SDL High Pulls #53/35 KB

100 M MB Run #40/20

2 Rope Climbs

*OK to break up the R.C. if needed!

1 Traditional Rope Climb
(or 1 assisted R.C. or 20 Alt. Plank Climbs)

15 SDL High Pulls #44/25 KB

100 M MB Run #30/15