

Strength: 10 min EMOM!

BB Complex: UB
1 Power Snatch +
1 Hang Power Snatch +

*Suggested starting weight…
E: #95/65
RX: #85/55
M: #75/45

*Add weight after every minute. You will need to create a caddy (of weights) for yourself before the workout begins. If you fail, you can try again but it must be done within the same minute, otherwise, drop back down to a challenging weight (of your choice) and finish out the EMOM.

*Mod #1: 2 PS + 2 HPS (UB)

*Mod #2: 3 HPS
(OK to drop between reps)

CF Light: AMRAP!
20 Calorie Row
20 OH KB Swings

Met Con: For Time!
(15 min)

25 Dubs (65 Singles)

Alt DB Snatches
E: 80 #45/35
RX: 60 #35/25
M: 50 #25(30)/15(20)

800 M Run
(call time after the run)

*Bonus: ME Dubs (Singles)