June 29, 2017
A) 10:00 (progressively loading)
“BB Cycling” EMOM: Power Snatches!
Note: C/RX athletes must perform the workout as prescribed. We are looking for T&G reps (UB). No singles allowed for C!
C: (UB)
#115/75+ x7x3:00
#135/85+ x5x3:00
#155/95+ x3x4:00
#105/65 x7x3:00
#115/75 x5x3:00
#135/85 x3x4:00
#95/55 x7x3:00
#105/65 x5x3:00
#115/75 x3x4:00
1) Warm up to a challenging weight and stay at that weight for the entire EMOM (4-6 reps). Do not progressively load. MOD: Hang Power Snatches.
2) Perform 8-10 Alt. DB Snatches #35/25 + 8 Split Jump Lunges (or 10 Alt. “FR” weighted Lunges).
B) MET CON: 12:00 AMRAP!
C/RX: 400 M Run
P: 200 M Run
Perform “as many reps as possible” of a Hang Squat Clean & Shoulder to OH “Never Ending” Ladder: 3-6-9-12-15-18-21… and so on!
*C/RX athletes will perform a “single arm” DB Carry Parking Lot Run (held anyway) at the 4:00, 7:00 & 10:00 mark (P athletes: 3:00, 6:00 & 9:00 mark). MOD: Hang Power Clean!
COMPETITOR: #115/85 – #75/55 DB
RX: #95/65 – #55/45 DB
PERFORMANCE: #75/45 – #45/35 DB