January 6, 2017
A) Skill WOD: 12:00 Clock!
1) Complete as many sets of T2B UB as possible in 5:00!
Competitor: Sets of 8 T2B
RX: Sets of 4 or 6 T2B
Performance: Sets of 2 T2B + 1 T2B-A (2 TTB or 1 T2B + 1 TTB-A)
*MOD: 5 or 8 Hanging Knee Raises or 30 Bicycle Kicks UB!
REST 2:00!
2) Complete as many sets of Double Under’s as possible in 5:00!
Competitor: Sets 25 or 35 Dubs
RX: Sets of 10, 15 or 20 Dubs
Performance: Sets of 2, 6 or 8 Dubs (10 single/doubles or 50 Singles UB and AFAP)
B) MET CON: 12:00 AMRAP!
Goal: 4R-5R+! Perform as much of the BB work UB as possible. Run at a competitive pace (90%+).
200 M “MB” Run #50/30
12 S2O #135/95
10 DB Sit Ups #55/35 (Full ROM required)
12 S2O #115/75
10 DB Sit Ups #45/25 (Full ROM)
200 M “MB” Run #40/20
10 S2O #95/65
200 M “MB” Run #30/15
10 DB Sit Ups #25+/15+