

Strength: S2O (15:00)!

Barbell Complex (progressively loading from the rack). Work up to an AHAP set:
3 Push Press
+ 2 Push Jerks
+ 1 Split Jerk

Once you hit your max (and if there’s time), work up to an AHAP set:
2 Push Press
+1 Push Jerk
+ Split Jerk

Once you hit your max (and if there’s time), work up to an AHAP set:
1 Push Press
+1 Push Jerk
+1 Split Jerk

Note: Each set is to be done UB. No re-racking during the set. If you fail, do not attempt another set, simply move onto the next complex. Each set must display close to perfect form!

Strength Mod: 3 rep AHAP Push Press or Push Jerk!

Strength Alternative:
12:00 AMRAP!

12 S2O #95/65
(12 DB PP #35/25)
50 Alt. Toe Taps
(“20 box)
50 Russian Twist #25/15 KB
100 M Run

Met Con:
(12:00 Clock)

E: 4RFT!
10 Ring Dips

10 BN Lunges #135/95

12 (Single Arm) KB Transfers #70/53

10 BN Lunges #115/75

8 Ring Dips

12 (Single Arm) KB Transfers

12 (Single Arm) KB Transfers

6 Ring Dips (5 Ring Dip Attempts or 15 Tricep Extensions #35/25)

12 BN Lunges #95/65
(12 Alt. Suitcase Lunges #35/25)