
February 10, 2017


STRENGTH: (10:00):
Pull Ups!

OK to Partner Up!

Note: Sets do Not have to be UB but rest no more 5 seconds or so between reps. Rest as needed between sets but mind the clock!

6-8×5 “weighted” Strict Pullups with a #20/14 or #14/12 Wall Ball.

6-8×3-5 Strict Pull Ups (No weight)

6-8×2 Strict Pull Ups or 8×5-8 Banded Strict Pull Ups

10:00 AMRAP!

10 Banded Pull Ups or Ring Rows

15 Hollow Rocks

250 M Row (5)

MET CON: 14:00 Clock!

Goal: 50-60+ reps total! Suggested Strategy: Run at 85%, choose a methodical pace for the HRPU and perform sets of 5 or more if possible on the BB work!

Take 6:00 to complete each of the following workouts. Rest 2:00 between each workout! Total reps for each workout (TBR separately) = your score!

Competitor: #115/75
A) 400 M Run + 25 HRPU + ME Power Snatches.

B) 400 M Run + 25 HRPU + ME Clean & Jerks (Power Clean + S2O)

RX: #95/65
A) 400 M Run + 25 HRPU + ME Power Snatches!

B) 400 M Run + 25 HRPU + ME Clean & Jerks (Power Clean + S2O)

Performance: #75/45
A) 400 M Run + 15 HRPU + ME Power Snatches or Alt. DB Snatches #25/15!

B) 400 M Run + 15 HRPU + ME Clean & Jerks (Power Clean + S2O or Hang Power Clean + S2O)