May 10, 2016
STRENGTH: 7:00 Progressively Loading EMOM!
Work up to a 3 Rep MAX Power Snatch (UB)! If you fail, drop down #10 and finish out the EMOM at that weight. Begin the EMOM at around 65% of your 1RM Power Snatch or based on feel.
Suggested Starting Weights:
E: #105/75
RX: #95/65
S: #85/55
SCALE DOWN OPTION: Perform the above workout but scale down to a 3 Rep MAX Hang Power Snatch or perform the following 7:00 AMRAP:
30 Alt. Plank Hold Shoulder Taps
25 Dubs or 75 Singles
30 Russian Twists #25/15 KB
MET CON: 12:00 Clock!
E: 5RFT!
12 TTB
10 Alt. KB Snatches #53/35
(from the ground)
200 M Run
200 M Run
10 TTB
10 Alt. DB Snatches #55/35
Scaled: AMRAP!
10 Alt. DB Snatches #45/25
8 TTB (TTB-A, Hanging Knee Raises or 10 Double Knee Hugs)
Men: 10 Calorie Bike
Women: 12 Calorie Row (5)