Met Con: Partner WOD: “Chipper” (35:00)!
1 mile alternating MB Run #50/30. Athletes must run together. Each athlete must run a total of 800 M with their MB. Partition the run however you like.
100 OH Swings #70/53
80 OTKB Burpees
60 Calorie Row (5/6)
40 Ring Dips
20 EACH (40) “two arm” KB Cleans
1 mile alternating MB Run #40/20. Athletes must run together. Each athlete must run a total of 800 M with their MB. Partition the run however you like.
100 OH Swings #53/35
80 OTKB Burpees
60 Calorie Row (5/6)
40 EACH (80) “two arm” KB Cleans
20 Ring Dips
800 M MB Run #30/15 (Mod: NO MB). Athletes must run together. Each athlete must run a total of 400 M with their MB.
100 OH Swings #44/25
80 OTKB Burpees
60 Calorie Row (5/6)
40 EACH (80) “two arm” KB Cleans
30 EACH (60) Box Dips