Winded Wednesday!
Met Con:
Partner WOD!
“Never Ending Chipper”!
(35 min time cap)
8 25 M Sled Push to be done at any point during the workout!
E: Men #45/45 / Women #45/25
RX: Men #45/25 / Women #45
S: Men #45 / Women #25
50 Burpees
E: #70/53
RX: #53/35
S: #44(50)/25(30)
200 M Run
E: 50 C2B Pull Ups
RX: 50 Pull Ups
S: 50 “Banded” Pull Ups, TTB (attempts) or
50 weighted BFSU #15/10 BP
50 PC
E: #135/95
RX: #115/85
S: #105/75
500 M Row
(250 M per athlete,
1 Rower per Team)
200 M Run
All reps (work) must be shared equally. Both athletes must Run together, otherwise you cannot work while your partner is working. Once you complete the workout, start the workout over beginning with the Burpees.
*Single Person WOD: Athletes will do 1/2 the work.