January 10, 2017
MET CON: For Time (35:00)!
“Partner WOD”
BUY IN: 100 “synchronized” BFSU For Time! MOD (Performance): ABMAT Sit Ups!
4×200 M (800 M) Relay Run
80 Calorie Bike
80 Alt. DB OH Lunges #55/35
2×200 M (400 M) Relay Run
60 Calorie Row (5)
60 Alt. DB Front Rack Lunges
2×200 M (400 M) Relay Run
40 Calorie Bike
40 Alt. DB Suitcase Lunges
4×200 M (800 M) Relay Run
80 Alt. DB OH Lunges #45/25
80 Calorie Bike
2×200 M (400 M) Relay Run
60 Alt. DB Front Rack Lunges
60 Calorie Row
2×200 M (400 M) Relay Run
40 Alt. DB Suitcase Lunges
40 Calorie Bike
4×200 M (800 M) Relay Run
60 Alt. DB OH Lunges #25/15
60 Calorie Row
2×200 M (400 M) Relay Run
50 Alt. DB Front Rack Lunges
50 Calorie Bike
2×200 M (400 M) Relay Run
40 Alt. DB Suitcase Lunges
40 Calorie Row
Rules: For the BSFU’s, both athletes must be laying down at the same time before sitting up and both sets of hands must touch toes before laying down again. Reps must be shared evenly. You cannot work while your partner is working. The tag out method is required. Share equipment if possible. 1 Rower/1 Bike per team. Have FUN! Note: Single person WOD’ers will do 1/2 the work.