February 15, 2017
“Skill WOD”: 28:00 Clock!
A) 8:00 EMOM!
Option a) Weighted Ring Muscle Ups (#20/14): 1-3 UB EMOM or 1-2 attempts.
Note: You should already be able to perform 3+ UB non weighted Ring MU in a WOD safely and efficiently before trying weighted.
Option b) Banded or Unassisted Ring or Bar Muscle Ups: 2, 4 or 6 UB EMOM or 1-2 attempts.
C2B Pull Ups: 2, 4 or 6 UB or fast Singles EMOM or 1-2 attempts.
Follow the RX division but scale down to traditional Kipping (or BFPU) Pull Ups or 4, 6 or 8 Banded Pull Ups EMOM.
Note: Use the thinnest band possible or practice the “hollow to arch” Kipping technique only.
MOD: 8:00 AMRAP!
10 Ring Rows + 10 BFSU + Parking Lot Run
REST 2:00!
B) 8:00 EMOM!
Rest no more than 20 seconds or so between sets. Control your rest time! Pick a set number and stick to it. If you trip up… rest, reset and start the set over.
Perform AMSAP of 30, 35, or 40 UB Double Under’s.
Perform AMSAP of 15, 20 or 25 UB Double Under’s.
Perform AMSAP of 2, 8 or 12 UB Double Under’s or practice Single, Single, Double or DUB attempts.
MOD: 8:00 AMRAP!
25 Dubs (75 Singles) + 10 Burpees!
REST 2:00!
C) 8:00 EMOM!
Weighted Alt. Pistol Squats #25/15 KB: 4, 6 or 8 EMOM.
Non Weighted Alt. Pistol Squats: 4, 6 or 8 EMOM.
4, 6 or 8 Assisted Alt. Pistol Squats or attempts using the Rig (2 fingers), a band (thinnest possible) or a “12 inch box.
MOD: 8:00 AMRAP!
10 Alt. Split Jump Lunges (Alt. Lunges) + 30 Alt. Plank Hold Shoulder Taps. Hi