July 4, 2016
“Independence Day” WOD
DOB: “7/4/1776”
MET CON: 7RFT (40:00)!
4 Power Cleans
(Squat Cleans are OK)
MOD: 4 HPC or
4 DB Front Squats
+ 4 PP #35/25)
E: #225/135+
RX: #185/115
SCALED: #155/105
(#135/95 or #115/85)
17 Push Ups (Not HRPU). E/RX athletes must keep their knees off the ground for the rep to count. MOD: Push Ups or HRPU on your knees.
*Note your time before moving on to the next segment of the workout.
In Succession…
76 OH Swings
E: #70/53
RX: #53/35
SCALED: #44/25
E: 240 Dubs
RX: 140 Dubs + 100 Singles
Option 1: 100 Dubs + 140 Singles
Option 2: 40 Dub-A + 200 Singles
Option 3: 240 Singles