
December 21, 2017

MET CON: For Time (35.00!

“Partner Workout”

Goal: Sub 25:00! Perform as much of the work UB as possible.

BUY IN: 4×200 M Relay Run (400 M per athlete but 200 M at a time)!

50 Thrusters #95/65
20 Bar Muscle Ups
200 Dubs (Partner: MAX Calorie Bike)

30 Thrusters
20 Bar Muscle Ups
200 Dubs (Partner: MAX Calorie Bike)

20 Thrusters
20 Bar Muscle Ups
200 Dubs (Partner: MAX Calorie Bike)

*Total Calories Biked “TBR”!

200 Dubs (Partner: MAX Calorie Row)

50 Thrusters #95/65
30 C2B Pull Ups

200 Dubs (Partner: MAX Calorie Row)

30 Thrusters
30 C2B Pull Ups

200 Dubs (Partner: MAX Calorie Row)

20 Thrusters
30 C2B Pull Ups

*Total Calories Rowed “TBR”!

50 Thrusters #75/45
(DB Thrusters #35/25)

30 Pull Ups (Assisted Pull Ups or Ring Rows)

200 Dubs or 500 Singles (Partner: MAX Calorie Row)

30 Thrusters

30 Pull Ups

150 Dubs or 400 Singles (Partner: MAX Calorie Row)

20 Thrusters
30 Pull Ups
100 Dubs or 300 Singles (Partner: MAX Calorie Row)

*Total Calories Rowed “TBR”!

Rules: Break up the reps any way but transition as little as possible. Perform the run as prescribed. You cannot work while your partner is working except for the Dub/Bike or Dub/Row. The tag out method is required. Share equipment if possible. Single person WOD’ers will do 1/2 the work. Have FUN!