

Met Con(s):
24:00 Clock!

A) For Time (12:00)!

Athletes will have an allotted time to complete each portion of the following (A) workout.

(0:00 – 4:00)
800 M Run

(4:00 – 8:00)
25 Clean & Jerks
(BB or DB HPC + S2O #35/25)

E: #135/95
RX: #115/85
M/S: #95/65

25 OTB Burpees

800 M Run

In Succession…

B) For Time (12:00)

E: 250 Double Under’s
RX: 150 Double Under’s
M/S: 100 Double Under’s
(75 Dub-A or 250 Singles)

E: 75 TTB
RX: 65 TTB
M/S: 50 TTB (35 TTB-A or 50 weighted Sit Ups #25/15 DB)