July 20, 2017


A) Core Work: For Time (6:00)!
30 Bicycle Kicks
40 Russian Twists (WB)
40 Hollow Rocks
40 Russian Twists (WB)
30 Bicycle Kicks

*2:00 Transition, then…

B) MET CON: 20:00 alternating EMOM (5R)!

Perform the following exercises EMOM in an “alternating” fashion… 1 exercise per minute. Note: C/RX athletes must complete all of the work!

Minute 1: 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Traditional Rope Climbs

Minute 2: 6 Clean & Jerks #165/115

Minute 3: 12/10 Calorie Bike

Rest 1:00, then repeat!

Minute 1: 6 Clean & Jerks #135/95

Minute 2: 12/10 Calorie Bike

Minute 3: 2 Traditional Rope Climbs

Rest 1:00, then repeat!

Minute 1: 10/8 Calorie Bike

Minute 2: 6 Clean & Jerks #115/75 (#95/65 or 8 #75/45) or 8 Hang PowerClean + Shoulder to OH or 8 DB Power
Clean & Jerks #25/15

Minute 3: 1 Traditional Rope Climb (1 assisted Rope Climb or 4 C2G Walk Outs)

Rest 1:00, then repeat!