November 29, 2017


MET CON: 24:00 Clock!

Take up to 4:00 to complete 1 round of the following. Rest for the remaining time up to 4:00, then repeat (from the beginning) for a total of 6 rounds. Slowest time gets recorded! Note: C/RX athletes must complete all of the work as prescribed for all 5 rounds.

9 Hang Power Cleans #135/95
3 Burpees
12/9 Ring Dips
3 Burpees
35 Double Under’s
3 Burpees

9 Hang Power Cleans #115/75
3 Burpees
9/6 Ring Dips
Ring Dips
3 Burpees
30 Double Under’s
3 Burpees

9 Hang Power Cleans #95/65 (#75/45)

3 Burpees

7/4 Ring Dips (9 standing Tricep extensions)

3 Burpees

25 Double Under’s (18 Dub-A or 75 Singles)

3 Burpees