Motivating Monday!
Strength: Cleans
Warm up to 70% – 80% of your 1 rep MAX (full) Clean. Perform 6-8 sets of 1 Clean Pull + 1 (full) Clean. Drop and reset after the clean pull resting no more than 5 to 7 seconds between reps.
Strength MOD:
Work up to a 3 Rep Heavy Power or Hang Power Clean.
Strength Alternative:
12:00 AMRAP!
100 Singles
10 Hang Power Cleans #95/65 (or 12 DB HPC #35/25)
200 M Run
Met Con: 15:00 Clock!
E: 5RFT!
6 Thrusters #155/105
6 OTB Burpees
8/6 C2B Pull Ups
women: 12 Pull Ups
men: 8 C2B Pull Ups
6 Thrusters #115/85
6 OTB Burpees
8 OTB Burpees
6 Thrusters #95/65
(8 DB Thrusters #35/25)
8 Pull Ups (6 Jumping, 10 Banded or 12 Alt. Plank Rows #35/25 DB’s)