Strength: (12:00) 2-2-2-2-2…
BN Split Jerk
(p. loading/from the rack)
*Strength Mod:
Split Jerk “skill work”
or Push Jerks (non-maximal 2 rep semi-heavy).
CF Light: AMRAP!
12 alt. Clean & Press (KB)
24 Mountain Climbers
12 (KB) High Pulls
100 M Run
Met Con:
15:00 AMRAP!
*Buy In:
50 KB Transfers
Mod: RKBS!
E: #70/53
RX: #53/35
M/S: #44+/25+
8 Push Jerks (PP)
E: #135/95
RX: #115/85
M: #105/75
10 TTB
(TTB attempts or V-Ups)
E: Hips must remain off the ground for the rep to count!
36 Dubs (65 singles)