



Strength: (15:00) FS
Work off of 90% + #10 of 1RM FS!

Warm up to 70% (3-4 sets), then…

70%x3 reps
80%x3 reps
90%x3+ reps

Strength Mod: Work off of 90% of your 90% or Work up to a 3 Rep AHAP!

CF Light:
15:00 AMRAP!
250 M Row (5/6)
15 Hollow Rocks
100 Singles
15 SDL (KB) #53/35

Met Con: 15:00 Ladder (as many sets as possible of the Barbell Complex)!


*Goal: 20+ sets
(each set must be done UB)!

*Run 100 M every 3:00 beginning at minute 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00!

E: BB Complex: #115/75
2 Thrusters
+ 4 Alt. BN Lunges

5 Burpees

25 Dubs

RX: BB Complex: #95/65
2 Thrusters
+ 4 Alt. BN Lunges

5 Burpees

25 Dubs

M/S: BB Complex: #85/55
2 Thrusters (DB Thrusters)
+ 4 Alt. BN Lunges
(DB Suitcase Alt. Lunges)

Mod weight #35/25 DB’s

5 Burpees

25 Dubs (65 Singles)