January 30, 2017
MET CON: 29:00 Clock!
Goal (A & C): 4R-5R+
Goal: (B & D): 4R+
Perform as much of the BB and Gymnastics work UB as possible. Work FAST but consistently (90%+)! Limit rest periods to 5-7 seconds or less. No walking out your Burpees. Note: C athletes must perform the OHS UB. Total Rounds + misc. reps for A&C and B&D will be recorded separately.
A) 5:00 AMRAP!
3 Ring Muscle Ups
9 Box Jump Overs “24/20
REST 3:00
B) 5:00 AMRAP!
6 OTB Burpees
9 OHS #95/65 (UB)
REST 3:00
C) Repeat WOD A!
REST 3:00
D) Repeat WOD B!
A) 5:00 AMRAP!
6 C2B Pull Ups
9 Box Jump Overs “24/20
REST 3:00
B) 5:00 AMRAP!
9 OHS #95/65
6 OTB Burpees
REST 3:00
C) Repeat WOD A!
REST 3:00
D) Repeat WOD B!
A) 5:00 AMRAP!
9 Box Jump Overs “24/20
(10 Alt. Step Up Only)
6 Pull Ups (6 Jumping Pull Ups, 9 Banded Pull Ups or 9 Ring Rows)
REST 3:00
B) 5:00 AMRAP!
6 OHS (9 BB Back Squats or 9 DB Front Squats #25/15+) #75/45
6 OTB Burpees (6 Burpees Only)
REST 3:00
C) Repeat WOD A!
REST 3:00
D) Repeat WOD B!