
Happy Labor Day!

“31 Heroes”:
Partner WOD”!
(31:00 AMRAP)

RX: see pic for WOD description (Note: Partner B will run with a BP in place of a Sandbag for all divisions while Partner A works)

Option A (Scaled):
BB Thrusters #135/95

4 Rope Climbs

11 Box Jumps “24/20

*35/15 BP Run

Option B (Scaled):
BB Thrusters #95/65
(DB Thrusters #35/25)

2 Rope Climbs (2 assisted R.C.,
10 Jumping Pull Ups, 12 Banded Pull Ups or 15 SDL KB High Pulls #53/35)

11 Box Jumps “24/20 (11 Alt. Step Ups)

*25/15 BP Run