August 19, 2017
MET CON: 24:00 Clock!
Perform as many reps as possible of each exercise: (:30 seconds on/:30 seconds off) before moving onto the next station (6R total of each). Total reps of each exercise = your score!
A) Double Double Under’s
B) C2B Pull Ups
C) Box Jumps “24/20
D) Bike
A) Pull Ups
B) Box Jumps “24/20
C) Bike
D) Double Double Under’s
A) Bike
B) Double Double Under’s
(Dub-A or Single Under’s)
C) Pull Ups (Banded Pull Ups or Ring Rows). NO Jumping Pull Ups!
D) Box Jumps “24/20
(Alt. Weighted Step Ups #25/15 DB)