Crossfit LPF – CrossFit
Shoulder (Strict) Press (Weight)
A/B Clock: 30
(12) SHOULDER PRESS (rack) %
*Based off 90% of your
1RM, warm-up to 70%,
then perform:
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+ (ME Reps but
not till failure – leave 1-2
reps in the tank)
MAX is 300
90% = 270
65% of 270 = 175
75% of 270 = 200
85% of 270 = 230
*The min for ME Reps
is at least 3 reps.
3 Rep Heavy Shoulder Press
(15) AMRAP
10-12-15, etc. Air Squats
10 Sets: 1 Push Up + 2
Shoulder Taps (Alt.)
10-12-15, etc. Squat Jumps
1:00 Wall Sit (below depth)
Opt: Banded
Paarking Lot Run
3:00 transition into
the B workout…