Strength: (15:00) Power Snatches!
Work up to a 3 rep max “touch & Go” Power Snatches! Once you hit your 3 rep max, attempt a 2 rep max followed by a 1 rep max! Your last successful “3 rep max” will go on the whiteboard. Note: This should all be done in succession… so get right to it!
Strength Alternative:
12:00 AMRAP!
20 Alt. DB Snatches #25/15
12 Cal: AD Bike
100 Singles
Met Con: 4RFT!
10 Front Squats #155/105
12 TTB
200 M Run
200 M Run
10 Front Squats #135/95
10 TTB
10 Front Squats #115/75
8 TTB (10 TTB attempts
or 10 V-Ups or Sit Ups)
200 M Run