Strength: (15 min)
Front Squats
75%x5 reps
80%x4 reps x 2 sets
85%x3 reps x 2 sets
Or 3 Rep AHAP!
CF Light: AMRAP!
250 M Row (7/8)
50 High Knees
or 50 Toe Taps
50 Plank Hold Shoulder Taps
30 Russian Twist (KB)
Met Con: For Time
(15 min)
*Every 2:00
(beginning at the 2:00 mark): 100 M Run
Ascending/Descending Ladder: 3-6-9-12-9-6-3
Toes to Bar
(mod: T2B attempts, weighted V-Ups or Sit ups: DB)
E: weighted Pistol Squats
#35/25 KB
RX: Non weighted Pistol Squats
S: Alt. Front Rack Reverse Lunges
(Mod: DBs) #95/65