May 7, 2016
MET CON: 4RFT (35:00)!
12 Ball Slam #50/30 +
100 M cone to cone Sprint (@ the park)
12/10 C2B Pull Ups
12 Box Jump Over’s “30/24
50 Dubs
25 Hollow Rocks
40 Dubs
12 Ball Slam #40/20
+ 100 M cone to cone Sprint (@ the park)
12 Box Jump Over’s “24/20
15 Pull Ups
25 Hollow Rocks
25 Hollow Rocks (Sit Ups)
30 Dubs (20 Dub-A attempts or 90 Singles)
12 Ball Slam #30/15
+ 100 M cone to cone Sprint (@ the park)
12 Pull Ups (10 Jumping Pull Ups, 12 Banded Pull Ups, 8 C2G Walk Outs)
12 Box Jump Over’s
(Alt. Step Up & Over’s)