Strength: (15 min)
Progressively Loading from the Rack!
3 rep AHAP Strict Press (UB), then…
2 rep AHAP Push Press (UB), then…
1 rep AHAP Push Jerk
Note: Treat the SP as more of a light to moderately heavy warm-up (3-4 sets).
CF Light: AMRAP!
100 M FC (DBs)
20 Mountain Climbers
15 G2O (BP)
10 Sit Ups
Met Con: 12 min AMRAP!
EMOM: 5 Burpees
*Begin the workout with the Power Snatches!
10 Power Snatches
(10 HPS or
Alt.DB Snatches)
E: #95/65
RX: #85/55
M(50+): #75/45
15 Dubs (35 Singles)
PS and Dubs:
PS and Singles: