Strength: (12 min) SP 5×5 @ 75%
or 3 rep AHAP!
CF Light: AMRAP!
20 Alt. Reverse Lunges (DBs)
10 C2G Walk Outs (HRPU)
20 SDHP (KB)
Met Con(s):
A) 6 min AMRAP!
10 Alt. Pistol Squats
E: 4 each (8) Weighted Pistol Squats #35/25 KB
Mod 1: Pistol Squat attempts while holding onto the Squat Rack (2 hands), “20 Box or holding onto a resistance from the rig. (2 people can share a box if need be)
Mod 2: 10 Goblet Squats (KB)
5 Ring Dips
Mod: 8 Ring Dips (from a low seated position, no jumping Ring Dips) or 15 Tricep Extensions (DB)
Rest 2 min!
B) 6 min AMRAP!
12 S2O
E: #115/85
RX: #105/75
M: #95/65
100 M “MB” Run
E: #50/30
RX: #40/20
M: #20/15 (14)