June 14, 2017


STRENGTH: (15:00)
5×3 Overhead Squats

Perform progressively loading sets of 3-3-3-3-3 reps for the time allotted. Note: Your 5×3 does not include your warm up sets. Form is Key!

*Clips are required. De load with Care.

3 Rep Semi Heavy Overhead Squat focusing on Form (and getting comfortable with the movement). Do not go to failure.

Skill Work: Practice OH Squats with a PVC, BB Only or Light Weight. Perform sets of 3-6+ resting between each set. Do not add weight.

3 Rep Semi Heavy Front Squat…
Do not MAX out.

12:00-15:00 AMRAP!
15 RKB Swings #44/25
10 KB SDL High Pulls
30 Bicycle Kicks
200 M Run

MET CON: (12:00) 3RFT!

15/12 Calorie Row (5)

5/6 EACH (10/12) Ground
to OH #75/45 DB

10 Box Jump Over’s “30/24

12 Toes 2 Bar

6/7 EACH (12/14) Ground
to OH #55/35 DB

10 Toes 2 Bar

10 Box Jump Over’s

12/10 Calorie Bike

6 Toes 2 Bar (6 T2B-A, 15 Hanging Knee Raises or 15 Sit Ups)

10 Box Jump Over’s (12 Alt. Step Ups Only) “24/20

6/7 EACH (12/14) Ground
to OH #45/25(30) DB

12/10 Calorie Row (5)