August 25, 2016
SKILL WOD: 29:00 Clock!
A) 5:00 Clock!
E: Athletes will spend 5:00 working on cone to cone HS Walks (outside): Athletes should be able to show control in the handstand position and be able to come down safely. Stay in your lane!
(:30 Sec On/:30 Sec Off): Parralette HS HOLD
SCALED: Choose One!
(:30 Sec On/:30 Sec Off):
-HS Kick Ups
-Partial Wall Walks (or Plank Work)
REST 1:00!
B) 5:00 EMOM!
DB Weighted Sit Ups!
E: 15 Reps #35/25+
RX: 15 Reps #25/15
SCALED: 15 Reps #15/12
REST 1:00!
C) 5:00 EMOM!
8-10 Alt. “BN” BB Step Ups (“20 box). OK to Partner up!
E: #85/55
RX: #75/65
SCALED: #65/45 (or DB Step Ups #35/25)
REST 1:00!
D) 5:00 EMOM!
“All Out” Row (4)!
E: 14/12 Calories
RX: 12/10 Calories
SCALED: 10/8 Calories
REST 1:00!
E) 5:00 EMOM!
(C2G) Push-Ups (Not HRPU)
Focus on maintaining a solid plank position. Keep knees off the ground. No worming allowed.
E: 18/16 Reps
RX: 16/14 Reps
SCALED: 14/12 Reps