July 20, 2016
MET CON: 30:00 Clock!
E: 20:00 AMRAP!
2 Ring Muscle Ups
8 OH Swings #53/35
Suggestion: Treat “Nate” as an EMOM!
RX: 30:00 EMOM!
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups (Not HRPU)
15 Air Squats
Note: Only completed rounds performed within 1 minute will be noted as RX. Once you fail to complete the workout as an EMOM it then becomes an AMRAP for a bonus of total rounds + misc. reps.
SCALED: For Time!
150 Wall Ball Shots #20/14 (#14/12)
REST 3:00!
10:00 EMOM!
30 Russian Twists #12/8