Met Con: 28:00 Clock!
A) 8 min AMRAP!
5 MU (Ring or Bar)
30 Alt. Split Jump Lunges
men: 8 C2B Pull-ups
women: 8 C2B or 10 Pull-ups
30 Alt. Split Jump Lunges
30 Alt. Split Jump Lunges
20 alt. Lunges
10 Banded Pull-ups or
25 KB High Pulls #44+/25+
2:00 Rest!
B) 8 min AMRAP!
250 M Row (5/6)
15 OH Swings
E: #70/53
RX: #53/35
M/S: #44+/25+
2:00 Rest!
C) 8 min AMRAP!
100 M MB Run
E: #50/30
RX: #40/20
M/S: #30+/15+
6 DB Push Ups
E: Elbows must be parallel to shoulder height for the rep to count. Same # as the Plank Rows.
12 Alt. Plank Rows
E: #45/35
RX: #35/25
M/S: Same # as RX!
Note: You must do E (for each workout) to get E. Same for RX.