October 13, 2017
(No Time Cap) 3RFT!
Benchmark WOD: “Helen”
COMPETITIOR: “Heavy Helen”
400 M Run
21 OH Swings #70/53
12 C2B Pull-ups
RX: “Helen”
400 M Run
21 OH Swings #53/35
12 Pull-ups
PERFORMANCE: “Light Helen”
400 M Run
21 OH Swings #44/25
12 Pull-ups (12 Banded Pull Ups, 16 Jumping PullUps or 16 Strict Ring Rows)
Rest 3:00-5:00, then (on your own)…
B) All Out Engine Work! Rest equal time, then begin the next row. Try and match your time or better!
C: 4×250 M Row
RX: 4×20/17 Calorie Bike
P: 4×250 M Row
C) If there’s time…
50 Bicycle Kicks
20 BF Sit Ups
50 Flutter Kicks
20 Double Knee Hugs