

Snatches (15:00)
1 Snatch Pull + 1 (full) Snatch x 6 @ 70-80% of 1RM. Perform 1 snatch pull, drop the bar between reps, resting no longer than 7-9 seconds.

Strength MOD:
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch or Skill work.

Strength Alternative:
200 M Run
10 Hang Power Snatches #95/65
25 KB High Pulls #44/25
50 Bicycle Kicks

Met Con: 12:00 Clock!

Coach Sam’s B-Day WOD

*DOB: 12-8-81 (34)

34 Wall Ball Shots #30/20 (10ft./9ft.)

81 Box Jumps “24/20

12 each (24 total) DB Hang Power Clean & Jerk (Hang Clean & Jerk is OK) #55/45

8 OTWB Burpees

81 Box Jumps “24/20

34 Wall Ball Shots #20/14 (10ft./9ft.)

12 each (24 total) DB Hang Power Clean & Jerk (Hang Clean & Jerk is OK) #45/35

8 OTWB Burpees

8 OTWB Burpees

12 each (24 total) DB Hang Power Clean & Jerk (Hang Clean & Jerk is OK) #35/25

81 Box Jumps “24/20

34 Wall Ball Shots #14/12 (10ft./9ft.)