Strength: (15:00) FS
Work off of 90% of your 1RM! Warm up to 75%, then…
75%x5 reps
85%x3 reps
95%x1+ reps
(Non Maximal!
or 3 Rep AHAP!
CF Light: 15:00 AMRAP!
250 M Row (5/6)
20 Alt. OH KBS +
KB High Pulls #35/25
50 Alt. Toe Taps (“12 Box)
50 Bicycle Kicks
Met Con:
12:00 AMRAP!
12 DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters #45/35
10 Burpee / Box Jump Overs “24/20
10 Ring Dips
12 DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters #35/25
10 Burpee / Box Jump Overs “24/20
8 Ring Dips
12 DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters #25+/15+
10 Burpee / Box Jump Overs
(Alt. Step Ups) “24/20
6 Ring Dips (8 assisted Ring Dips or 15 Dips off the Box)