
JUST IN! Starting this month, we will be posting “WOD – The week at a glance” to help support your fitness needs.

See below…

Monday, 9/2 – Labor Day Hero WOD “ROY”

Tuesday, 9/3 – Front Squat % / Met Con

Wednesday 9/4 – Strict Press % / Met Con x 2

Thursday 9/5 – Active Recovery

Friday, 9/6 – Met Con x 2

Saturday, 9/7 – “Bring a Friend Day” PARTNER WOD

Join us for our annual * Labor Day * WOD ! 10:00AM – 11:00AM Open Gym has been added to the Mon, 9/2 schedule.

Please do not come to the gym without a reservation.

Next BRING A FRIEND DAY is Sat, 9/7. RSVP a first time guest & local resident – text Aida 754-204-5168.

Next BroYoga Class: Sat, 9/7 11:15am & Thur, 9/19 6AM.

Need help? Contact Aida 754-204-5168 / or Heather 954-296-1693 / during normal business hours, including Saturday 9AM – 12N or In-App Chat with us!

Crossfit LPF – CrossFit

Running, Power Cleans, Burpee Box Jump Overs, and Wall Walks (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

(24) AMRAP /

Goal: 4R-5R+

“Bring a Friend Day”

Partner WOD! Break up reps

any way – you go, I go, except

for the Run / Farmer’s Carry.

Partner A Runs 200 M, Partner B

Farmers Carry (alternating).


2 X 200 M “RELAY” RUN

2 X P-LOT F-CARRY 65/45 DB’s

12 POWER CLEANS 185/125

12 BURPEE BJO “30/24

Rx: 165/115 BB

50/35 DB’s * “24/20 BOX


95/65 +/- BB

35/20 DB’s * “24/20 BOX



PL Farmer’s Carry:

Lighten the load

Power Cleans: Lighten

the load or modify to

Hang Power Cleans

Burpee BJO: Up / Down

+ Step Up & Over

