Strength: (15:00)
(progressively loading)
Cleans (from the Power Position AKA Pocket Cleans)
CF Light: 15:00 AMRAP!
250 M Row (5/6)
15 Ring Rows
50 Bicycle Kicks (with a 2 sec pause on the kick out)
Met Con: 12:00 AMRAP!
BB Complex:
2 sets:
1 PC + 2 HPC #135/95
*Increase by 2 sets every round!
25 M HS Walk
(If you DNF the HS Walk (meaning you give up), there is a 5 “on the spot” Burpee Penalty).
50 Dubs
35 Dubs
BB Complex:
2 sets:
1 PC + 2 HPC #115/85
*Increase by 2 sets every round!
3 (C2W) Wall Walks
BB Complex:
2 sets:
1 PC + 2 HPC #95/65
*Increase by 2 sets every round!
(Strict) :30 sec HS HOLD
(If you drop before the 30 sec is up there is a 5 on the spot Burpee Penalty.
Mod: 5 each “single arm” Sit Ups with KB Press #35/25
25 Dubs or 65 Singles