
Strength: (12 min)
2 rep AHAP C&J:l(Split Jerk or Push Jerk). Form and Technique Rules! 2 Rep AHAP Power Clean + PP (PJ) is the alternative.

CF Light: AMRAP!
50 Singles
15 Ring Rows
12 alt. Reverse Lunges (DB’s)
10 Sit Ups

Met Con(s): 6 min each!

A) 6 min AMRAP!
6 DB Hang Squat Clean + Press (PP or PJ)
(Mod: 8 HPC & PP)
RX: #35/25
M: #25/15

(Mod: 10 Knee Hugs)
B) 6 min EMOM:
100 M “MB” Sprints
E: #50/30
RX: #40/20
M: #20/14

*You cannot drop the ball at all during the 6 min (even during rest) or a 3 Burpee “on the spot” penalty applies for each drop!