August 30, 2016
MET CON: (35:00)
“Partner WOD”
A) For Time!
1 mile Relay Run!
Athletes will take turns running 400 M each for a total of 1 Mile (800 M total per athlete). MOD: 1200 M (400 M, 400 M, 200 M, 200 M).
In Succession…
B) 3 RFT (E/E: 4RFT)
32 (16/16) Alternating
Front Rack Lunges
E: #115/85
RX: #95/65
SCALED: #75/45
(Alt. Suit Case Lunges #35/25 DB’s)
32 (16/16) OH Swings
E: #70/53
RX: #53/35
SCALED: #44/25
*During the OH Swings portion of the workout, Athlete B must hold their barbell “using a traditional clean grip (not a mixed grip)” while Athlete A performs their portion of the OH Swings. Athlete B can drop their bar to rest ONLY if Athlete A stops to rest or if they are done with their reps. Communication is key!
E: 130 (65/65) reps
RX: 100 (50/50) reps
SCALED: 80 (40/40) reps
MOD: 50 (25/25) Dub-A or 250 (125/125) Singles.