Met Con: For Time (35:00)!
Ladder: 2-4-6-8-6-4-2
Note: Each round of the BBC MUST be done UB or perform 5 “on the spot” Burpees. One penalty per round.
Buy In: 800 M Run (for time)!
BB Complex:
Front Squats + S2O #105/75
35 Double Under’s
Cash Out: 500 M Row
Buy In: 800 M Run (for time)!
*Complete a 500 M Row (5) at any point during the workout but only after the Buy In!
BB Complex:
Front Squats + S2O #95/65
30 Double Under’s
Buy In: 800 M Run (for time)!
*Complete a 500 M Row (3) at any point during the workout but only after the Buy In!
BB Complex:
Front Squats + S2O #85/55 (DB FS + PP #35/25)
25 Double Under’s (15 Dub-A or 75 Singles)