June 23, 2017


A) 10:00 (progressively loading)
“BB Complex” EMOM!

“Barbell Cycling”

Note: C/RX athletes must perform the workout as prescribed. We are looking for T&G reps (UB). No singles allowed for C!

Clips are required. De Load with care!

Power Clean + Push Jerk!

Competitor: (UB)
#135/95x7x3 minutes
#155/105(110)x5x3 minutes
#185/125(130)x3x4 minutes

#115/85x7x3 minutes
#135/95x5x3 minutes
#165/105(110+)x3x4 minutes

#105/75 (#95/65)x7x3 minutes
#115/85 (#105/75)x5x3 minutes
#135/95 (#115/85)x3x4 minutes

1) Warm up to a challenging weight and stay at that weight for the entire EMOM (4-6 reps UB). Do not progressively load.

2) Scale Down Option: Hang Power Clean
+ S2O

3) Perform 6 DB PC or HPC + DB PP #25/15 + 8 Alt. Suitcase Lunges EMOM.

B) STRENGTH: (10:00)
Pull Ups!

OK to Partner Up!

Note: Sets do Not have to be UB but rest no more 5 seconds or so between reps. Rest as needed between sets but mind the clock! Ok to start in 1 division and scale down if needed. Challenge yourself. Use the entire 10:00 clock.

6-8×5 “weighted” Strict Pullups with a #20/14, #14/12 or #12/8 Wall Ball.

6-8×3-5 “negative” Strict Pull Ups (No weight)

6-8×2 “negative” Strict Pull Ups or 8×5-8 “negative” Banded Strict Pull Ups

10:00 AMRAP!
10 Banded Pull Ups or
12 Ring Rows
12/10 Calorie Bike
Parking Lot Run

2:00 Transition…

C) 6:00 Clock!
Take up to 6:00 to perform the following Core work:

Chipper: (full ROM required)
100 Bicycle Kicks
80 (WB) Russian Twists
C: #20/14
RX: #14/12
P: #12/8
60 Hollow Rocks
40 (DB) Weighted Sit Ups
C: #55/35
RX: #45/25
P: #35/15(20)
20 Double Knee Hugs (heels off)