
Motivating Monday!
(28:30 Clock)

BB Complex!
(20:00 AMRAP)

“WOD courtesy of
Hyperfit USA”
(See pic for WOD description).

*Goal: 20-25+ sets

E: #185/115
RX: #155/105
M/S: #135/95 (#115/75)

DL + Power or Hang Power Clean + Front Squat +S2O (any form) or Use DB’s #35/25

*Penalty: Each complex does not have to be done UB, however, there is a 100 M penalty run if you fail on any part of the complex!

*Suggestion: Treat this workout as an EMOM by performing 1-2 sets every minute on the minute.

Rest 3:30, then…

B) 5:00 MAX Calorie Row, Bike or Run. First come first serve on the Rower or Bike. Max Calories = Your Score!